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Annie DeSmith
Littles Room - Lead Teacher
Groups: Support Staff

Hebrews 4:16 "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

I believe that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and that He loves me through all of my messiness and imperfections. I believe that God can use anyone to nurture His Kingdom, despite and sometimes because of our chaos and mess. I strive to use this understanding to show all JCS kiddos the love, empathy, and acceptance of Christ!

I grew up in Allendale, and after living in a few different surrounding areas, now live in Allendale again, a little more than five minutes from my parents, sister, and childhood home. I graduated from Allendale Public High in 2013 and spent my young adult years nannying and gathering lots of childcare experience, which prepared me well for my position at JCS!
  1. My sister and I are seven years apart but get mistaken for twins.
  2. I love reading, watching movies, working out, and walking/hiking outdoors.
  3. I have a black rescue German Shepherd named Ghost, who I spend most of my free time with. I also own a gecko and a ball python!