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Jenison Christian School Childcare Program accepts children 2 1/2 years old through 12 years old. Children must be potty trained and able to use the restroom independently. 

Students that are enrolled in elementary school will spend the morning in the child care rooms, playing and coloring, prior to being dismissed to the playground or classroom at 8:00 am.

Our preschool aged students will then spend the morning playing and getting ready for preschool (if they attend our Jenison Christian Preschool program). Once preschool students are dismissed at 9:00 am, the others attending all day will spend the morning participating in a number of activities including school-wide chapels, outdoor play, art and science projects, and much more. Following the morning activities and the arrival of the preschool students back again, we have lunch and then a rest time from 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm. Once the after-school age children arrive after school is dismissed at 3:15 pm and snacks are served, the rest of the afternoon is spent outside (weather permitting).

* A minimum charge of 1 hour will be automatically applied for any use of this program in a day.
** A JCS student is defined as someone who is enrolled in one of our educational programming options for the year (Preschool or Pre-kindergarten-8th grade)
*** Daily Rate applies to any child who is in the program for 8 hours or more on one day.
Billing will take place at the end of each month and is due on the 15th of the following month. You may bring payments to the office or Childcare room (if the office is closed).

A $30 enrollment fee is due before your child starts their first day of childcare. If more than one child, the fee is $50 per family. This is a one time fee that covers your child’s entire time at JCS Childcare.

August 21: First Day of School at JCS 8:15-Noon, Childcare is OPEN
August 30 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend, Childcare CLOSED
October 23-25: Teachers Convention, Childcare is CLOSED
November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break, Childcare is CLOSED
December 20: Half Day of School 8:15-Noon, Childcare is OPEN
December 23 - January 3: Christmas Break, Childcare is CLOSED
February 14-17: Mid-Winter Break, Childcare is OPEN
March 15: JCS Closed - Professional Development Day, Childcare is CLOSED
April 3-11: Spring Break, Childcare is CLOSED
April 25: Grandparents Day, Childcare is OPEN from 6:45AM - 12:00PM
May 26: Memorial Day, Childcare is CLOSED
May 29: Last Day of School at JCS, Childcare is OPEN from 6:45AM - 12:00PM
May 30: Switch over to Summer, Childcare is CLOSED
July 4: Independence Day, Childcare is CLOSED
August 11-15: Switch over to Fall, Childcare is CLOSED
Unfortunately, our School Age program is currently FULL and we are not able to enroll any new children in our program at this time.

Please reach out to our Childcare Directors, Amy Downing & Hannah Stob, at